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Tracey Block

February 17, 2018
by Tracey Block

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Small psychological changes can lead to Olympian success

February 17, 2018 01:02 by Tracey Block  [About the Author]

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Succeeding in the Olympics is not only the result of physical ability. An athlete's overall mental wellbeing is just as important. And now, scientists and researchers are beginning to study how everyone can benefit by incorporating the same positive mental and psychological activities used by competitive athletes into our everyday lives. [More]

February 13, 2018
by Tracey Block

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Protecting prison inmate mental health is a priority in Canada

February 13, 2018 22:42 by Tracey Block  [About the Author]

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Solitary confinement and mental wellness do not mix. In a groundbreaking move last month, Canada's Supreme Court ruled against the use of solitary confinement. And some states in the U.S. are also examining the negative effects to prisoners' mental health as a result of the practice and are making efforts to reduce inmates' increased levels of anxiety, depression and suicidal behaviors by reducing such isolation. [More]

February 7, 2018
by Tracey Block

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The Psychology of Centenarians

February 7, 2018 01:09 by Tracey Block  [About the Author]

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More people than ever before are living to age 100 and older. Is there a secret to their long life? For decades, scientists and researchers have examined genetics, diet and other lifestyle choices. But recently, studies are investigating the mental health of the very old in the world's population to see if the key to longevity may actually be psychological. [More]

February 6, 2018
by Tracey Block

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Caring for a survivor's mental health after beating cancer

February 6, 2018 00:26 by Tracey Block  [About the Author]

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The irony cannot be overlooked. When first diagnosed with cancer, patients would do anything to beat the disease and survive. But, as medical advances continue to improve, many survivors are feeling beaten down by the psychological and sometimes physical effects that remain after successfully defeating their diseases. As World Cancer Day is celebrated, survivors are speaking out in the hopes of improving their own lives and the lives of millions of future survivors. [More]

February 2, 2018
by Tracey Block

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The unconscious mind may help reduce the anxiety of decision making

February 2, 2018 16:38 by Tracey Block  [About the Author]

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Trying to make a decision between two or more choices can cause anxiety, avoidance and procrastination. Even when faced with enough facts or details to make an educated decision, the task can seem daunting. For years, researchers have investigated the roles of the conscious and unconscious minds in decision-making, and some are beginning to believe "sleeping on it" may prove to be helpful in reducing the stress some people experience when faced with making choices. [More]

January 28, 2018
by Tracey Block

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Are children too quickly diagnosed with ADHD?

January 28, 2018 00:06 by Tracey Block  [About the Author]

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The behaviors characteristic of Attention-Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) include impulsiveness, hyperactivity, and inattentiveness. But these symptoms are characteristic of a long list of other possible physical and mental health issues--such as vision or hearing loss, anxiety, depression, and fatigue. As the number of cases in North American children continues to rise, researchers are beginning to wonder if ADHD is too often being misdiagnosed. [More]

January 25, 2018
by Tracey Block

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The pressure for perfection can be devastating

January 25, 2018 17:04 by Tracey Block  [About the Author]

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While aiming high and setting goals is encouraged in 21st century society, for many, perfectionism has become an obsession. Recent research indicates Millennials, in particular, are suffering challenges to their mental and physical well-being in the pursuit of ultimate perfection in education, professional work and in their own physical images. Can anything be done to help reduce the burden young people feel in their quest for the perfect life? [More]

January 23, 2018
by Tracey Block

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Psychedelic drug therapy may soon be integral to mental health care

January 23, 2018 02:30 by Tracey Block  [About the Author]

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Recent clinical trials using psychedelic drugs like MDMA to treat patients suffering from Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) have shown some amazing results. With final testing now underway, the "psychedelic renaissance" may be on the horizon, potentially providing currently illegal drugs with new respect in the field of mental health care. [More]

January 22, 2018
by Tracey Block

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New suicide screening toolkit aims to help youth at risk

January 22, 2018 01:50 by Tracey Block  [About the Author]

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Suicide is the 9th leading cause of death in Canada and the 10th leading cause in the U.S. And suicide numbers for youth aged 10 to 24 continue to rise year after year. In an attempt to provide healthcare professionals in emergency rooms, hospitals, and other facilities with a fast, accurate resource to help assess youth at risk of self-harm, researchers this month unveiled a new tool that holds a lot of promise. [More]

January 19, 2018
by Tracey Block

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Loneliness sufferers experience increased mental and physical health issues

January 19, 2018 01:56 by Tracey Block  [About the Author]

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Advances in medicine and technology continue to offer hope for longer, healthier lives while developments in technology make those lives easier. But all the improvements and progress have not yet helped find a cure for human loneliness, or a way to eliminate it altogether. Research shows a growing number of people across all ages experience detrimental effects of loneliness to their mental and physical wellbeing. In the year 2018, is a solution around the corner? [More]